Kent Hughes please don’t draft Ivan Demidov

Kent Hughes please don’t draft Ivan Demidov

Written by Fred Arshoff

decided to write this article as many would like to see the HABS draft Ivan Demidov with their draft pick at number five tonight, I fully disagree with that and I will explain why.

As some you may know Ivan Demidov has a knee injury and not going for surgery fix it if thatch what the DR feels is best or he does I have no clue. In either case we know he isn’t having surgery,

Do we know if his knee will pass the team physical before training camp starts. knee will pass the team physical before training camp starts,.

We already seen what happened with knee injuries, look at Carey Price due to a knee injury he didn’t have when draft but got injured in 2020-21 season hasn’t been able to play since, Also look at Shea Weber not injured when the HABS aquired him and got a leg injury in the 2021-22 season and hasn’t been able to play again

With a number five overall draft pick I want a player who is fully healthy. Your top draft picks makes your team better long term. I would never go into a draft thinking short term. If the player who the HABS have rated number 6 he can’t be terrible and if not injured Every teams has their list who they would like to draft at that spot. Personally I wouldn’t draft for will have a longer and most likely longer productive NHL career with the HABS, I won’t be naming players names as we don’t know who will be available things don’t go the way the mock drafts go, Every team Personally I wouldn’t draft for position but the best overall player available has their list who they would like to draft at that spot. and if you have a surplus you can trade one and ask for a premium in the draft as you have the other teams needs.

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