Written by Guest writer Steve Fowler

Edited by Steve Fowler


Going on a whim here, as this following article may not coincide with popular opinion, but I firmly believe that the Habs should wait it out one more year before going on a free agent spending spree.

-This early off season

Based from what I’ve read and heard, G.M, Kent Hughes has been quite busy on the phones the past few weeks looking to make some off season moves to bolster their line up. In short, I would call this time of year prior to the draft, UFA etc…… as tire kicking season.

What I’m referring to is, it being that time of year where every team wants to get a sense of,… Who’s resigning, and who’s not, who wants to sign where etc… in regards to unwanted, and Rfa’s/Ufa players. Despite the salary cap increasing by $4.5 Million, the HABS still have 2 notable players that need signing. Arber Xhekaj this year, and Juraj Slafkovsky next year, And no doubt, Slafkovsky will be commanding a rather large slice of the proverbial $$ pie..

-Are we there yet?

Now, Another good reason why I think it’s too soon to go after top players is,.. We’re just not ready. I’m not convinced either of our goalies are top tier, and our defense is maturing and becoming deeper talent wise, but are not there yet. Our forward corps still needs to undergo some changes yes, but what about those that are currently going through the team’s development program?


From what I see, I count at least 6 forwards in Laval that have a near future shot at making the team. They are,… F.Xhekaj, O.Beck, Filip Mesar, Luke Tuch, Riley Kidney, and Joshua Roy.. Sean Ferrell?.. Maybe. Then, following in their foots steps is Oliver Kapanen. Add to that, Defensemen, Logan Mailloux, David Reinbacher, Lane Hutson, Jayden Struble, as well as the much anticipated arrival of goaltender Jacob Fowler.

-Trade Scenarios

There are several options that GM Hughes could have in making a trade or 2.

For one, they could trade a Defenseman, as I believe we have too many offensive type LD as is with Lane Hutson joining the likes of Jayden Struble, Kaiden Ghule, and Mike Matheson. Also, having said that, Habs atm,.. do not have a legit top 2 LD so..

One of a few possibilities: Trade Ghule, who has value but is injury prone for a top forward, and draft another D at #5. (Remember, Habs also have plenty of trade assets as well, pics etc.) Remember, Any player you see HABS acquire through trade would need to be cap compliant.

-In conclusion

Compared to not so long ago, Mtl now has an increasing amount of prospects and talent that the team can work with, which is nice to see. Imo they still have plenty of work to do to reach their goals, both personnal and team oriented,

I just don’t want to see them jump the gun too soon, hitting the panic button in trading away assets for high priced UFA’s, only to then realize that 3 years down the road they messed up ala Toronto. Probably not going to happen, but it could. What are your thoughts…

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